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Jakarta, 28 July 2022, Covid 19 pandemic forced many people to stay at home. The pandemic which has been around for two years has shown a risk to bone health as our bones need pressures from daily motions and activities to make it more solid and strong. Even without the pandemic alone, our bone health deteriorates as we grow older, our bones experience degeneration.
Factually, with the rising of life expectancy around the world, including Indonesia, maintaining bone health as early as possible is crucial, in order to be able to function & work productively and stay active entering the senior age. Thus, knowledge on bone health is necessary for prevention purposes. Issues on bone health is considered as silent disease, one that could cause a regrettable risk in later days.
Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Isa An Nagib, Sp.OT(K)., FICS put an analogy that our bone is like a glass of ‘water’, that as we grow older, the glass starts to leak. Why does it happen? At the age of 0-30 years, bone undergoes deposition or bone formation. However, above this age, physiologically, our bones start to degenerate, experience more deformation thus the ‘Water’ in the glass continue to decrease.
If this condition continues, it will affect the overall bone condition. Bone would be very fragile, easily broken, a slipped could cause a serious bone brake. Condition like that must be taken seriously to avoid a decrease in one’s life quality. As fixing the issue may require more than just cost, but also high risk in having surgeries that takes time to recover.
“Supplement or intake that could re-fill the glass is very much needed. The aim is to stop such leaking from the glass and prevent the glass to be empty. Because if the water runs out from the glass, it could affect the mass index of one’s bone, thus it could lead to broken bone as the bone has already become very fragile”. as Dr Isa, Director of RS Siaga Raya pointed out.
Supplement can help to re-fill leaking glass analogy mentioned earlier, thus we can avoid declining bone condition. If the condition gets more severe, another treatment is required to patch those leaking, including more serious treatment. This happens under what is known as osteopenia or osteoporosis.
Dr Isa also pointed out, daily calcium intake varies across ages. From 1-3 years old only need 700 mg Calcium per day, while 4-8 years old will need 1,000 mg per day. At the age of 9-18, one will need 1,300 mg per day. This dosage also serve the need of pregnant women. “We can't ensure whether we can get that level of Calcium only from food and milk alone" said dr Isa.
Moreover, dr Isa also suggest that supplement is equal to food, only comes in different form. “Supplement is like the extract of our food” told dr Isa. Additionally Dr Isa also suggest to start take bone supplements, supplementing our food and milk
However, consuming calcium and vitamin D3 also needs to be adjusted to ones’ needs. “Imagine that during pandemic, we take a lot of vitamins D3 along with high calcium ingredients. If the calcium did not go to where it supposed to be, such as intestines, it could be very dangerous. In addition to that, calcium could pile up within the intestines if nothing direct it. If we have a lot of Calcium in the blood vessel, then it has the potential to form plaques that increase the risk of heart attacks," said Dr. Isa.
In favor for the consumption of vitamin D3 and Calcium to be appropriately absorb to the bone then it requires additional vitamin K2 which has the function to direct and make sure the calcium enter the bone. Vitamin K2 has the function to tie the calcium and target it correctly, which is to the bone and not anywhere else. Furthermore, if the calcium went to other direction such as blood vessel, then it could become plaque and could lead to dangerous cardiac diseases. This led to the conclusion that if calcium did not hit the right target, it could cause serious issue. “Well, the function of vitamin K2 is to direct and control calcium to enter the right target, absorbed into the bones," said dr. Isa.
Other than K2, magnesium is also important, it has the control function similar to vitamin D3. “Magnesium has the function to help calcium absorption, thus led to sufficient calcium level in the body. This means magnesium optimizes calcium absorption and K2 directed it to the correct place. 50 Mg of magnesium would help optimize calcium absorption to the bone thus reducing risk of calcium plaque within the blood vessel, as dr Isa suggest.
On the same occasion, DR. Raphael Aswin Susilowidodo M.Si as VP Research and Development of SOHO Global Health said that PT Soho Global Health continues to innovate to be able to provide health products that are beneficial for Indonesian people, one of them is through the launch of Imboost Bone. PT Soho Global Health is a pharmaceutical company who has been a market leader in the health supplement and multivitamin category. We see that the Indonesian people's concern for bone health is getting better at this time. But unfortunately, there is still lack of information regarding the need of vitamin and mineral to help better absorption of high doses of calcium consumption, “said DR. Aswin.
“Therefore, PT Soho Global Health sees the important role of Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and Magnesium to help optimal absorption of calcium into the bones. This is why we develop and launch Imboost Bone. We do not want our good intention to maintain bone health resulted in the increase risk of heart and blood vessel disease, because calcium absorption is not optimal into the bones, "he explained.
Imboost Bone comes in Effervescent format that according to Dr. Aswin, was made with an objective to make supplement consumption more fun and does not feel like taking drugs. Imboost Bone comes in orange flavor that is refreshing to drink.
DR. Aswin also added that Imboost Bone is to be consumed once a day, so it is very practical. “Don't worry, this Imboost Bone is also safe for consumption by pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly, because this group is very crucial in needs of calcium as explained by Dr. Isa before," said DR. Aswin. Imboost Bone is sugar free, so it is relatively safe for consumption by consumers with diabetes.
List Media Release:
1. Media Indonesia: https://m.mediaindonesia.com/humaniora/510527/jaga-kesehatan-tulang-dengan-penyerapan-kalsium-yang-optimal
2. Marketing.co.id: https://www.marketing.co.id/jaga-kesehatan-tulang-soho-hadirkan-inovasi-imboost-bone/
3. Warta Ekonomi: https://wartaekonomi.co.id/read432947/jaga-kesehatan-tulang-dengan-penyerapan-kalsium-yang-optimal?page=1
4. Investor Indonesia: https://investor.id/market-and-corporate/301196/soho-global-health-soho-tambah-produk-suplemen-brand-imboost
5. MNC Trijaya: https://www.mnctrijaya.com/news/detail/53155/jaga-kesehatan-tulang-dengan-penyerapan-kalsium-yang-optimal-agar-kualitas
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21 September 2020
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